Adding a Teen Driver

While it’s nice to think of having another driver to help out, adding a teen driver is a huge responsibility. One in six newly licensed teens will get in a crash within the first six months of driving. Here are 6 issues to discuss….and discuss again.
1. Speeding
Teens are more likely than experienced drivers to abuse the speed limit. If your vehicle has a feature that allows you to regulate maximum speeds, use it. If not, check for smartphone apps that will at least help you monitor (and correct) speeding.
2. Harsh Braking
Because teens are less apt to recognize and respond, it’s important to keep at least 3 car lengths between them and the car ahead.
3. Distracted Driving
Here are the most common distractions to look out for: Reaching for food or drink, talking to passengers, putting on makeup, looking at an accident, GPS, reading, changing radio…and of course texting and social media.
4. Late Night & Weekend Driving
Most accidents occur between 9 pm and 3 am. And more accidents happen on weekends than all other days combined.
5. Drinking and Driving
Did you know that 8% of teens admit to drinking and driving? And 24% admit to riding with a driver who has been drinking.
6. Too Many Passengers
For each additional teenage passenger, the risk of a teen driver dying goes up. Know your state’s laws.
When it comes to equipping new drivers, we are here to answer any questions you may have. We can also offer tips to save on the additional coverage, such as vehicle choices and discounts you might not know about. For help reviewing your current policy or quotes on a new one, reply to this email, give us a call, or click here to get a quote.